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My family and I moved across country literally on my 13th birthday. I had to start all over with trying to meet and make friends. This was made even more difficult because I am homeschooled, so I have to look for opportunities to build friendships. This was especially hard for me.

Since I am a complete and total introvert, talking about my car was a really good way to start up a conversations with people, and it is one of the first things that my new friends learned about me. So far, they have all been very supportive and get really interested in what I am doing with the car, even though none of them are gearheads like I am.

They were also amazing when I told them that I was posting about this project on Instagram and YouTube – they were some of the very first subscribers on my channel. I have met a wonderful group of people who have been so supportive throughout my journey and I cannot thank them enough for it. Maybe I’ll just wait to thank them by giving them rides in Carl once he’s completely finished!

What are other ways introverts can make friends? How have you used a passion to connect to new people? Let me know in comments.